Christ the King Youth Ministry

Community Life/Social ~ Fostering Fellowship

Youth Ministry Mission Statement


The Parish of Christ the King youth ministry is committed to the reality that young people are an important and integral part of our parish community. The youth program seeks to foster maturation in the faith of the youth of our parish.


We hope to affirm the gifts of our youth and help foster opportunities for these young people to share their gifts with the larger community. The spiritual and social needs of our youth are to be met with the committed leadership, guidance, and support of our parish adults. The adults and youth of our parish are therefore provided with the opportunity to grow together in Christian faith.


Through a variety of programs, events, and outreach, we seek to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, work, and mission of the parish community. We believe this ministry is for young people and will be a blessing for the entire community.

Discipleship, community, mission, and worship are what we are all about. Our youth ministry exists to expose teenagers to God’s love. Through weekly, monthly and special events, we will strive to form a Christ-centered community where fellowship is shared through regularly scheduled social events and faith journey. While youth ministry directly serves the youth of our parish from grades seven through high school, we will strive to work in the community with the entire parish. I look forward to working with such an enthusiastic group of individuals!


~Thank You, Kathy Laird, Youth Minister





Christ the King Parish Youth Ministry Bibles Awarded

Text-Holy Bibles were given to Seniors leaving for college in recognition of their devotion and service to the parish and with the hope that the word of Christ will continue to inspire and guide them in all future endeavors.

Fr. Edward Healey, pastor, Lydia Fitton-Alves, Nicholas Reilly, Gina Daggett, and Kathy Laird, Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry. Not present are Abigail Jones, Riley Duarte, Sean Smith, and Teaghan Herren

Youth Service Awards


Each year the Diocese invites the parishes to choose one young person to be recognized for their service to the church by receiving an award named in honor of Pope Pius Tenth, the founder of the Diocese of Fall River. It was not possible to choose only one recipient of this award as there are three clearly deserving of it this year, therefore, Lydia Fitton-Alves, Nicholas Reilly, Gina Mari Daggett were each presented with the Christ the King Youth Service Award at the 10:30 AM Mass last Sunday. As noted on the award it was given for longstanding and outstanding service to our community of faith here at Christ the King Parish. As these three very faithful and generous young people soon graduate and then head off to college, they go with our gratitude for their service and their good example, as well as our prayers for their success in the future.

CTK Youth Ministry 2019 Living Stations of the Cross
~ Enjoy this moving presentation!


St. Pope John Paul II High School

St. John Paul II High School is a private, Roman Catholic high school, grades 5-12 in Hyannis, Massachusetts. It is located in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River.