CTK Mental Health Ministry

Care in the Name of Christ

If you or a loved one feel unsafe or are experiencing a mental health emergency,
call 911, and indicate it is a mental health emergency.


If you or a loved one need someone to talk to during a
mental health crisis, call 988, The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Our Mission

To provide lay support, education, and awareness to our parish and community on issues related to mental health. We seek to break down social stigma surrounding mental health challenges, provide information, local resources, educational and spiritual support. Team members will not function in a professional capacity and do not provide services that can only be offered by medical, psychology, or social work practitioners.



Christ the King Parish Mental Health Ministry will host
NAMI Cape Cod’s “Family to Family” program
on Saturday June 8, 2024 at 10:00am
at Christ the King Parish
Refreshments will be provided.

This talk will educate our parishioners about their program that supports family members, significant others, and friends of people living with a mental illness.

NAMI trained facilitators with shared life experience will answer questions and provide information about their free 8 session course/group sessions for family members that covers topics such as how major mental illness affects the brain, diagnosis, medications, developing empathy for their family member, setting boundaries, and effective communication skills.

This event is free.

We work to eliminate the stigma and discrimination that people living
with a mental illness encounter in the Church and in human society.

What is Mental Health?


Mental health is a state of well-being where one realizes one’s abilities, ability to cope with the normal stresses of life, and ability to work productively and fruitfully while contributing to society.


What is a Mental Health Challenge?


Mental health challenges occur when one has a major change in the way a person feels, thinks, or acts. They have worsening signs and symptoms that place them in crisis and interfere with their ability to live life. These signs or
symptoms last longer than would be expected. No diagnosis needs to be present for someone to have a mental health challenge.

Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Christ the King Mental Health Ministers are trained in Mental Health First Aide to:

Assess risk

Listen non judgmentally

Give reassurance

Encourage professional help

Encourage self help strategies

This Ministry Provides ~ Practical Support, Spiritual Companionship, and Education

Practical Support

Ministry members share resources available to families and individuals in the local community. They are available to accompany them as they navigate and connect with these resources. Mental health ministry team members will not function in a professional capacity and do not provide services that can only be offered by medical, psychology, or social work practitioners.

Spiritual Companionship

Individual mental health ministry team members are available to meet and confidentially talk with those individuals and families needing support. When sufficient numbers of those receiving support elect to meet as a group, a support gathering may be offered. When scheduled, group gatherings will offer opportunities for prayer, education, refreshment, and socializing.


The ministry team provides mental health educational opportunities for the larger parish community on a regular basis. Requests for information about mental illness can be directed to any ministry team member. Ministry team leaders are available to consult with parish clergy, staff, and lay leaders on matters related to mental health and wellness. Special attention will be given to assisting those parish leaders who relate to youth.

Know that you are not alone and healing is possible.

Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you,
I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

or Call 508-477-7700 ext. 52